DPDC - Online Application System

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  Application for New Connection
You are requested to upload necessary documents after completed your application. Click Here for more information.
Consumer Type: 

For Institutional Investors, Use BIDA Web Portal (bidaquickserv.org)

* All red (*) marked fields are required.

Personal Information
Please provide personal information as per NID
Organizational/Institutional Information
Please provide proprietor Name and date of birth as per NID

Mailing Address

Connection Address
 If the Mailing address and Connection address are same, please tick the box

Description of Connection
Apply for industrial connections through BIDA Webportal (bidaquickserv.org)

 I/We the undersigned declared hereby I/we shall obey the "Electricity act- 1990 of the peoples republic of Bangladesh and the tariff 1989" approved by the ministry of energy and mineral resources of Bangladesh along with all amendments and agree to other Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of DPDC.

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